Extreme Measure
Louisville Center for Weight Loss
Remember the Basics
We recommend you come every month on time. If you run out of medicine many people experience rebound hunger if they stop the medication and are hungrier than they were before. We recommend 3 meals a day, no in between meal snacks, with no junk food or beverages with sugar. Walk daily. Studies of people who successfully lose and maintain the loss showed they all eat breakfast and walk an hour a day. No junk food or beverages with sugar, diet drinks are fine. Fruit juices sound healthier, but may contain almost as much sugar as sodas so use them as treats like deserts.

Louisville Center for Weight Loss
Count Your Calories
It can be very helpful to keep a food and exercise diary. Smart phone apps such as Lose It or My Fitness pal can make this much easier. Please bring your diaries in for review.

Meal Replacements
If you find it difficult to count calories it may be helpful to use meal replacements. We recommend Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers meals as economical tasty meal replacements. If you replace 2 to 3 meals a day with these you know how many calories you are consuming.
Louisville Center for Weight Loss
Special Diets
There is increasing evidence that cutting back on sugar and carbs can be very helpful for weight loss and your health in general. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly foods change to sugar in your system. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index.
This diet is high in vegetable, nuts, olives, and olive oil instead of butter.
This diet says not to eat food that didn’t exist 10,000 years ago, thus avoiding modern processed foods that are high in sugar and low in fiber.
Increasing fiber in you diet is healthier and helps with constipation. Fiber can increase the feeling of fullness, lower cholesterol and heart attack risk, regulate blood sugar and decrease the risk of diabetes by slowing the absorption of carbs.